Uusi mahdollisuus juhlien järjestämisessä
Meillä on iloisia uutisia kevään juhlia miettiville. Hakkapeliittakellari on erotettu anniskelualueestamme samoin sauna. Näissä on lupa[…]
The banquet hall can seat approximately
100 people. The hall is easily adaptable to different situations, such as celebrations or even business meetings.
The terrace can accommodate about 100 people to dine and admire the scenery to the lake. The terrace is completely covered, so no summer rain can ruin the celebrations, but in winter time the terrace is not available.
The sauna has room for 10 people at a time and is available for rent all year round. It is located on the beachfront so you can take a refreshing dip in the lake. Or in winter time, if you are brave enough, go ice swimming.
The dressing room is a comfy place to cool off and enjoy refreshments that you can order directly to the sauna facilities.
The armoury in the ground floor is an excellent meeting and dining facility for small groups. The room is decorated in Hakkapeliitta theme with paintings and Hakkapeliitta weapons.
Hakkapeliitta were Finnish light cavalryman during the Thirty Years’ War. Some of the weapons have been found from the lake next to Lounais-Hämeen Pirtti.
Restaurant Lounais-Hämeen Pirtti is a traditional Finnish restaurant and unique venue for all kinds of occasions.
This unique loghouse, build in 1940’s, is located in beautiful surroundings of the nature park of Saari.
We only serve as an order restaurant
+358 44 9777 783
The construction of Lounais-Hämeen Pirtti was started in the autumn of 1946 and it was inaugurated in 1948. The house was designed by architect V. Kyander. The furniture and textiles represent 1800s farmhouse style of the Tammela area. In the dining hall wall you can find the names of those who donated timber for building construction.
The folk park of Saari was established in 1932 as a general recreation and leisure place. Around the park you can find nature trails of different lengths, which are clearly marked with signs. On the shore of Kuivajärvi lake is a lean-to, where you can take a break and admire opening onto the lake.
On the area you can also find Kaukola Harju Observation Tower, which offers breathtaking views over the lake. At the foot of the tower you can find a memorial stone of a Finnish painter Albert Edelfelt who painted by the famous lake landscape.
There’s also great places to go for a swim. The Suujärvi lake is known by the divers for it’s clear waters and unique vegetation. Kuivajärvi is a lake with a sandy beaches for sunbathers and the shallow shores are safe for smaller swimmers.
+358 44 977 7783
Lounais-Hämeen Pirtti
Saaren kansanpuisto
Portaantie 480
31300 Tammela
Meillä on iloisia uutisia kevään juhlia miettiville. Hakkapeliittakellari on erotettu anniskelualueestamme samoin sauna. Näissä on lupa[…]
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